
Bloodstained Boot (血染め履 ; chizomeri, lit. "bloody footwear") is the abode of Jizarashi (地晒; jizarashi, lit. "earth-beaten (one)"), the titan-sentry spider who watches over all the inhabitants of the Hidden Cloud Village, acting as one of the legendary sentries of the Land of Lightning alongside the titan-sentries of Heart Mountain and Bald Mountain, Zaizarashi and Nozarashi respectively. What appears to be millions of spiders scuttling about are truly Jizarashi's body divided, effectively making herself her own swarm. Of the spiritual triality popular through the Land of Lightning, Jizarashi represents Hell, day and maternal strictness, treating all of Lightning's inhabitants as if they were her own children.
The Ancient Vile Gap (古卑間; koiyama, lit. "ancient vile gap"), better known as the Gap, is the ultimate prison sentence in the Land of Lightning where the worst of criminals are sent to live the remainder of their lives. Located deep underground Pipsqueak Mountain, nearly 10km below sea level, the electromagnetic frequency the mountain's stone emits is intensified one-hundred fold; combined with the constant sweltering heat of the mountain's insides as well as the perpetual darkness makes it the perfect location to house superpower ninja criminals.
Tamatoa [玉魔埗会 ; tamatoa, literally "gem devil wharf party"], more commonly known as the Shipwreck Crab [遭難蛑; sōnanbō, literally "shipwreck marine crab"],


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